Wednesday, June 14, 2006

The Bell Curve

Over time, some things will go wrong. Over time, some things will go right.

In business, be sure the inevitable "wrong" things don't wipe you out.

And be sure the inevitable "right" things, make you lots of money.

Friday, December 10, 2004

Newton's Third

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. (Newton's Third Law of Motion.)

Murphy's Law and Entropy

Left alone, things tend towards chaos. (Entropy theory).

Randomness and chaos can only increase in a closed system. (Second law of thermodynamics).

Anything that can go wrong, will. (Murphy's Law.)

Monday, October 04, 2004


You have forty-five minutes to get out of the country, forever.

How many hundred dollar bills can you round up and stuff into your suitcase? That's what I mean by cash.

It's an easy concept, but not a week goes by that some otherwise rational executive doesn't confuse the grand piano sitting in his living room, as somehow being "cash."

People with all types of nice sportscoats will try to convince you that something is cash. But it never is.

Because if it was cash, they would have already converted the thing into something you can stuff into your suitcase. The fact that they have not, means it isn't cash.

It also means the conversion rate they're requesting is too high.

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